And now, we got bad news. A great leader since Kim il-Sung, the son of that leader, Kim Jong-il, has died on Dec. 17, 2011. He was a great Korean leader, that helped transform Korea. Under his rule, Korea suffered through a famine but it rapidly rebounded. He was a leader that modernized Korea, and now without him, what will Korea go through next?
In my opinion, I feel sad that the Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il has passed on. He was a great source of inspiration, a hero to all Koreans. Now that he is gone, where will Kim Jong-un lead Korea? Will he make DPRK pro-American? And did the USA assassinate Kim Jong-il?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Answers to Mr. Catton's Questions - 12 to 15
Answer the following questions on your blog in paragraph form. Make sure you use proper paragraph structure, punctuation and grammar.
2. What does this film say about authority and power?
If one person becomes the sole leader of a group, and has absolute authority over others, he could have good intentions, but where does it turn bad? It turns bad if you encourage people to hurt others, because of some characteristic, like being disabled, or a communist, for example. That could easily damage ones own reputation, but if the person cultivates a cult of personality, and rewards members of the group, for obedience, they could still have "support" from the members of the group. Thus, one can easily grow too authoritarian, and transform into a dictator, like many a person, now in the pages of history, has done. To quote an old saying, "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely." Therefore, this what the film says about authority and power.
3. What does this experiment say about the cause of the Holocaust?
1. How can movements such as The Wave be defeated?
For movements like the Wave to be Defeated, we have a few answers. One answer could be directly criticizing movements like the Wave, to say things that are against the Wave, for example, and have support from the other members of the opposition. Secondly, an idea can be joining the group, and then all of a sudden have a speech that criticizes the higher levels of the group, and demand that the group ceases its actions against the other group. A third idea can be not joining, because if you do not join a group, you will not be contributing to the mess it makes, like for example, the Wave damaging the relationships between Laurie and David. That is why they broke up, since David was part of the Wave, but Laurie criticized it, for example. Why do they want to join a group that will take away their individualism and rights in the long term? The possible reason could be to protect them from a threat, in the Wave's case, the non-members, and in the case of the Nazis, the communists. Thus, these are the methods that groups such as the Wave can be defeated.2. What does this film say about authority and power?
If one person becomes the sole leader of a group, and has absolute authority over others, he could have good intentions, but where does it turn bad? It turns bad if you encourage people to hurt others, because of some characteristic, like being disabled, or a communist, for example. That could easily damage ones own reputation, but if the person cultivates a cult of personality, and rewards members of the group, for obedience, they could still have "support" from the members of the group. Thus, one can easily grow too authoritarian, and transform into a dictator, like many a person, now in the pages of history, has done. To quote an old saying, "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely." Therefore, this what the film says about authority and power.
3. What does this experiment say about the cause of the Holocaust?
The question one can pose to this concept is "How could many good German peoples do really horrible things and follow the one that can damage Germany in the long term?" The experiment says that one feels that it is not their fault if they harm someone else, if the group wants that person removed from the face of the Earth, and that it is not their fault, but rather, the group. One proof of that is by the Nazi guard, that even in the present day, has no regrets for the actions that he did, because Adolf Hitler told him to do the killings. So, because of that, if one stable group rises in a country like Somalia, one will want to join, to make the country, like Somalia, stronger, to form a greater Somalia. Therefore, the experiment proves that if one can reward members for obedience, they can follow the party, for fear of punishment.
Rise of the Nazi Party - ESSAY and SPEECH
This is my essay of the Rise of the Nazi Party for the assignment. This is the blog copy, since essays are to be on the blog. The italic in the last paragraph, is sarcasm. You will know why. ;) Anyhow, comment, comment, comment.
It was November 1918. All hope had been lost, for the German Kaiser was defeated. The German Empire had crumbled, its Kingdoms now a republic. Its empire was no more, the victory secured by the allies. It all seems like the Germans deserved to pay it, after all, while a Bosnian Serb started the First World War, Germany has to take the blame. The once great German nation was gone. Was it ever going to rise again? Or was Germany going to become a puppet state, devoid of a leader, and never going to attack anyone? Henceforth, the speech I will be making is the rise of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, or for short, the NSDAP.
In the early years of the NSDAP, we describe how Hitler joined the party, and the era before the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. In 1919, Germany finally suffers defeat as it was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, negotiated between the allies and the Central Powers. One of its clauses was to place the blame of the war, the starter of the war, to Germany. While Germany tries to negotiate, in Germany itself, the German Worker’s Party, the forerunner to the NSDAP, had a right-wing ideology. One man, born in Austria, was to give life into the party. Adolf Hitler, a former corporal of the German Army joins this group. Due to his speeches, one by one, he began to take a right-wing course, emphasising National Socialism, or Nazism. By 1920, the party has three thousand members, and by the following year, Hitler becomes the Fuhrer, or Leader of the Party.
Here, we describe Hitler’s attempted coup in Munich, in 1923, his trial, and his time in prison. In 1923, Hitler finally attempts a coup d’état in Munich, to try and overthrow the local authorities in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch. He unfortunately has failed, and was arrested. From there, he was charged of High Treason, and so were other Nazi Party leaders. However, while he was on trial, he used it as a propaganda platform against the Weimar Republic, and thus, after twenty-four days, he got a five year sentence, with early parole. During his time in prison, he wrote “Mein Kampf” or “My Struggle,” which reveals his nationalism, desire of a pure “Aryan” race, and elimination of other races, such as Poles, Jews, Gypsies, communists and those with disabilities. Thus, the book became a foundation for the ideology of the NSDAP, or the Nazi Party, and the Holocaust.
Now, in this part of the speech, we describe the time when Hitler began the NSDAP’s rise into power, up to the Wall Street Crash in 1929, which triggered the Great Depression, a worldwide economic crisis. In 1925, Paul von Hindenburg was elected as the President of Germany. Germany was stabilized, when that conservative military hero came into power. However, by that point, Hitler was now beginning to mobilize a mass movement, to help form a core body, for a future German government. Now, many organizations affiliated with the NSDAP were forming, like the Hitler Youth, the Student League, and the Pupils League, that were open to young Germans, whilst the females were allowed in the National Socialist Women’s league. With that, there were organizations, such as the S.A., of which the S.S. was born, as an elite division of the S.A. From 1925 to 1927, they failed to attract people from the large cities of Germany, like Berlin, and Munich, for example, so when they did poorly in the 1928 Elections, it only won 2.9% of the seats in the Reichstag. Due to that, they had to switch strategies, to rural Germany, blaming the Jews for Germany’s problems.
Finally, we reach the era between 1929 and 1932, of which during that period, the Great Depression occurs, and had impacted Germany. In 1929, the Wall Street Crash impacts the German economy, and thus, it begins a domino effect. Within a few years, unemployment grew from three million persons to six million persons, which was a third of Germany’s population, and due to that, the Grand Coalition, a “salad” of liberal and conservative parties collapsed while arguing over how to fix it. Finally, the German government pressured Paul von Hindenburg to impose emergency laws, to stabilize the Weimar Republic. The demise of the democracy in the Weimar Republic had begun, for a democratic government was now ruled by decrees, with chancellors instead of democratically elected politicians. The first Chancellor under the new system, Heinrich Brüning attempted to stabilize the Weimar Republic but it fails, causing new elections in 1930, with the NSDAP winning 18.3% of the seats. This was a victory for the NSDAP, for it became the second largest party in the Reichstag. In 1932, however, 84 year old Hindenburg’s term was ending. As much as he did not want to run, and retire, he knew that if he did, Adolf Hitler would become President of the Weimar Republic, so he reluctantly runs for office once more. After many a debate, campaigns and efforts by both sides, Hindenburg won, but Hitler won 37% of the votes. The Government of the Weimar Republic was still on the edge, appearing like it is to fall off the metaphorical cliff. Did it even appear like it will survive? As arguments and debates upon the senior political leaders occurred, they did not think that Hitler will manoeuvre himself to the top of the German crown, so thus, they under-estimated his abilities. It was too late, by that point. Within several months, the Weimar Republic was to end and a Third Reich was beginning to rise, to be led by Hitler.
This was my speech of the rise of NSDAP, known as the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, or known to many English speakers as the Nazi Party. In this speech, I described the NSDAP early years, his Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923, and his time in prison. We also described the NSDAP’s rise to power, from a small political party to a “dark horse” in German Politics, able to out-manoeuvre its rivals, to institute a beginning of a 1,000 year Empire, filled with happiness and joy for all. This is how a group of ex-soldiers, within 15 years, grew from many small political groups that followed right wing ideologies, to a party that controlled German society. In conclusion, I leave you with one question. Did the National Socialist German Worker’s Party have good intentions in mind, but ended up a corrupt party that seeks a pure Aryan race? Or did the party have those views all along, and wanted absolute power? The choice is up to you.
Friday, December 2, 2011
What I would have asked Father Maynard (AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY)
What I will ask Father Maynard
By Odin Callahan Swidzinski
By Odin Callahan Swidzinski
Many survivors of the Residential School system testify that the system has destroyed their culture, and in turn, their identity. However, we wonder whether the system had good intentions, but in the long term was marked with corruption, leading to the mistreatment of the First Nations. We also believe that they could possibly be over-exaggerating the mistreatment, so that they could have an excuse to preserve their own culture. However, some of the mistreatment could be at one residential school, which is called Kuiper Island Residential School, located off the coast of Victoria Island. They had plenty of students and staff, and even a headmaster who was later indicted with sexual abuse against the Residential School students. Thus, what I am going to discuss is the questions I would ask Father Maynard.
I would ask Father Maynard what was his opinion on the Residential Schools. For him, he would respond, that he believed the Residential Schools helped the First Nations become a “civilized” ethnic group, instead of what they try to damage everything the Europeans have known. He would’ve said that we taught them how to farm, to work at a job, and to instil traditional European values onto the Aboriginals. Thus, another thing he could’ve said that we taught them English, mathematics, how to read English, and European science, because he felt the European model was much superior to the Aboriginal model. However, he would’ve also cited that in the long term, they helped the Aboriginals become a contributor to society.
Another thing I would’ve asked him was why he was so determined for the First Nations to adopt European values when they could exchange ideas, just like how they did it with Hudson’s Bay Company. He may reply that at the time, the Europeans believed that they were superior to the First Nations, and because of that opinion, many believed that dominant opinion about the First Nations. Even in the 1950s and 1960s, he was enforcing the Federal Government’s orders to maintain the European values instead of the First Nation culture that used to dominate the Dominion of Canada. To quote A.O. Neville, “he would’ve attempted to protect the Aboriginal peoples from themselves.” Thus, that was why we wanted to “civilize” the Indians. We did not treat them like how Rome treated trade to China in the past. At the time, we treated them like what they were at the time. Therefore, we did not want any Aboriginals to follow their values, but instead to follow a new culture, the European culture.
Finally, I would’ve asked Father Maynard whether he regrets the actions of what he did when he was the headmaster of Kuiper Island Residential School. He could have responded that he admitted to his share of the atrocities that were committed in the Residential School System, from beatings to sexual abuse, and even taking First Nation children away to head to the Residential School. However, at the time, it was the orders of the Dominion of Canada for him to take the children away and make them attend the Residential School in Kuiper Island. It may have been wrong, but he may have wanted, like many others, to civilize the First Nations in Vancouver Island, to try to make them more European, to adopt a new identity that is European. He may have regretted the long term results and the damage that has impacted the First Nations ethnic groups in Vancouver Island. Thus, I would’ve summed up that he regrets for doing his part in the Residential Schools, but that at the time, he was following orders from the Dominion of Canada.
The topic I had discussed was what I would’ve asked Father Maynard. I would have asked him what his opinion on the Residential School system was, and he could’ve replied that it had good intentions but due to corruption, it went downhill. I could’ve asked him why Europeans were so determined to eradicate the First Nations identity from the Dominion of Canada, and he may have replied that it was to “civilize” the First Nations and adopt a European identity. Finally, I would ask whether he regrets his role for the actions during the Residential School system, and he could have regretted what he had done for the First Nations in Canada, but that it was due to orders from the Government. To conclude this essay, I leave you with one question. Was the Residential Schools had good intentions or was bad all along? The choice is yours to make.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Odin's Expository Thesis/Essay - The Internet
This is my expository thesis for Mr. Catton's class. Here is hoping that with this essay on the blog, I could bring the marks up. I did my best writing this essay, so readers, behold, here comes "The Internet", an essay by Odin S. ;) Remember folks, read, and then comment.
The Internet
Created By Odin Callahan Swidzinski
How many times do you decide to procrastinate your homework and decided to do something, like watching TV, or going on a computer, whilst you know will prevent you from doing the subject? For some people, it occurs occasionally, or none at all, especially in undeveloped nations. Nowadays, in North America, it is hard not to procrastinate, because of gadgets that help reduce your focus, or not want to do your homework. Ever since the 1980s, beginning gradually with email, bit by bit, a network of tubes was made, to provide the world with a link, for one person to chat with someone on the internet, for example, from one country with another. That is the effect of a new gadget, now on many a computer, how it transformed in such a short time from a service which can now fit in a single site, to a network connecting sites, ideas and peoples throughout the globe. Of course, there may be places with no internet, even today in Canada, but its influence is inevitable. Soon, there will be something that unites us, as a single race, where class divisions, racism and nationalism will disappear. Thus, an invention that made a major impact on my life is the Internet.
The reason why the Internet is good is because it allows people to contact anybody and anyone, anytime on the planet without leaving your seat on whatever you are sitting on. The Internet could allow you to talk with people, regardless of whether you knew the person that made that post and/or comment, or not knowing who it was in the first place. It can also be used to contact family members, so if I knew someone who lived in Japan, and I lived in the United States, for example, and we were both on at the same time, we can easily chat and discuss how our days are going, how we are feeling and what is new on the other country. But, if the Japanese person is off, I cannot talk to that Japanese person until that person gets onto the Internet, and from there, stay online. That is why I have to still arrange times to chat on the internet if the person is from a different time zone, so in Saskatchewan, it would be 6 pm, and relaxing in the comfort of your own home, while in Japan, it could 9 am, and the beginning of a day at work or school in where the Japanese person lived in. We, therefore have no reason why we need to wait until that person gets back from Japan, unless if we want to see them and talk face to face, or see relatives of that person.
Another reason why I love the internet is that there are genres, just like music, books and art, so anybody and anyone can fit into them. There are the forums, games and search engines, which vary from “appropriate” to inappropriate, encyclopaedia’s such as Wikipedia, and classical encyclopaedias like Encyclopaedia Britannica. However, there are sites that contains a lot of software and content that can harm the viewer, or at its worst, the computer and its ability to access the internet, even changing the homepage to that virus/malware/spyware’s site or a site where something bad is destroyed and collecting personal information which UNDER ALL COSTS you should not give onto the Internet. So, for example, if that Japanese person was interested in political forums and me in history, I would not be able to see him unless if it were to be a political history forum, of histories of nations, but if I and that Japanese person were interested in the same thing, like politics, we could end up seeing each other and discuss about the topic, like for example, politics. That way, it will be seen that we know a lot of this topic, and able to discuss it without fear of being laughed out by those who feel it is impolite to discuss it, or at its worst, it could affect your chances of visiting the person again, for any reason and/or purpose whatsoever. It simply proves that the internet is pretty much a type of media, so that one could either use the media for good, or for bad purposes.
A reason why I dislike the Internet, leads into lot of effects, onto society, the computer and the user who chooses to access the content of which may or may not be appropriate. Viruses, malware and spyware roam the web, looking to catch its prey, which is you, the user. If you type a lot, you might be at a risk of getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is damage of the hands or wrists, indicated by aching of the area affected. The price for the internet could be really, really high, and with bills, if one spends a lifetime on the internet, they will pay a lot of cash, because of their lifestyle. And you will really love it if your internet provider provided subpar service but demanded a lot of money from your own pockets to be paid to the company. Finally, it could waste time which can be used for doing more important tasks, like doing your own homework, typing an essay, such as an essay of the Internet, on the computer, shopping, chatting face-to-face instead of using Facebook, and exercising, which is really important. To sum my last statement, it really wastes time. It may even impact your job earnings, and get you fired from your own place of work. For example, did you know many people are getting fired for posting comments CRITICAL of their own job? This shows how companies can fire anybody, just for that comment that criticizes your own company that you work for. It may even lose your concentration on your job, thus demoting you to a lower paying job, possibly not making you very impressed that you got demoted and/or fired. That could be a source of stress, turning into anger and even regrets of even going onto the internet in the first place, and asking why one needs the connection when you will get fired and/or demoted by your own company.
The invention that really has impacted my life is the Internet, both for the positive and negative reasons stated in the thesis. It allows you to contact anyone regardless of location on the planet (as long as they have an internet connection), and genres of sites that accept anyone they please, after going deep down to find your right genre. But, it also is full of problems, like viruses, malware and spyware, and high bills. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be a significant risk to typists like you and me, and possibly many others, and wastes time in general, by using time better spent doing other stuff. I predict that the internet will be still growing, as long as a technology does NOT replace it, or supersede it with an even more powerful network that can even take humanity under its grasp, and raise it, from cradle; to death. It will evolve, like apes evolving to man, and monkeys evolving to apes. Therefore, I predict will eventually evolve into a new type, adding new services and features along the way, and possibly changing society, for better, or for worse. Therefore, in conclusion, I’ll leave you, the reader, with a final question to answer. How long, would the internet last, as a source of information, place to escape from the real world and as another tool of education, a fruit of the educational system? I believe that the internet will be lasting for around a few hundred years, but the current version of the internet may not last really long. Internet 2.0 may eventually get superseded by an Internet 3.0, which would help the internet go faster, where Internet 2.0 has missed the opportunities. Maybe, the Internet is the missing link between the peoples of the world, and that those without the link are missing out. Think about it, readers, because sooner or later, you will need to write an essay on which invention impacted your life.
Monday, November 21, 2011
SCENARIO - Buying a New Car
SCENARIO - I am a single male, living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, aged 37. I love the outdoors and politics, and I drive like a military commander with my friends to Brightwater, for the summer. I work as a teacher for a $75,000 salary per year. I am willing to spend between $15,000 and $30,000 for my new vehicle that suits my needs.

2012 Jeep Patriot
Price Range From: $17,995 To: $26,495
Freight: $1,400
Summary of 2012 Jeep Patriot
I believe that this vehicle will suit me, since it will convey a sense of power, a sense of responsibility, and a sense that students must respect me, and so do the students. This Jeep Patriot also will provide enough room for me and my friends in the summer, when I go to Brightwater, due to the fact that the valley is beautiful. I really hope that this vehicle will be good, and willing for me to do its job. Its reliability however 3.5 out of 5 stars, so while this car may suit me and looks like perfect, it may not be really reliable for me. However, it looks really good, like a military vehicle. How else can it call itself a Jeep without some military-style "zazz?" It just appears to be a great vehicle, for some tinpot dictator. So, why can't I get one? Tell that to the ratings system, and how much this car is reliable...

2012 Jeep Wrangler
From: $22,595 To: $32,495
Freight: $1,400
Summary of 2012 Jeep Wrangler
This Jeep Wrangler is also suited really well to the needs of myself and look like I am even more of a commander with this theme. It can easily make me look like a commander, if I had the Canadian plates to prove it. But since I only have Saskatchewan plates, it still fits my needs however. 2 stars for overall performance and design and 3.5 stars, for reliability. The high price also burdens me, because it could plunge me into debt for a few years, just solely due to the price. That car may be good, but it is a little too much, at $32,495 for the Rubicon edition. Bleh. It looks really classical, a good military-esque vehicle and to impose the relation of a commander to soldiers, to salute to the people. The students would definitely bow down to me with that. I, will definitely buy this one, if it were not for the hefty price tag, on the high end. However, it still looks like a symbol of power, one to lead tanks in a military parade somewhere in Canada, and may make it look like a security vehicle in some foreign leader's motorcade. This vehicle is really good and useful, in the long term. Right now, it is TOO much. I cannot risk plunging deep into debt.

2011 Toyota Corolla
(okay, 2011, but many seem to be 2011 anyways, so will use that)
From: $15,450 To: $24,795
Freight: $1,340
Summary of 2011 Toyota Corolla
This 2011 Toyota Corolla is pretty much a good vehicle for me, since it seems to serve the purpose of a strong car, hidden in the covers of a weak, puny, city car. It may not look like it is for me, but it looks good, strong and easy to understand. This car, is mine, belonging to me. It has all the functions that no Jeep can have, and looks friendly, understanding equality of students and teachers. But, this car is really reliable, surprisingly, and the initial quality is really good. But, 3.5 stars is where functionality has occured, and placed. So, it may be useful but with not a lot of care, it will fall. But if maintained, it will last a long time. While my parents had owned a 1994 Toyota Corolla, this Corolla is really useful, and even releases the panther. It runs as smooth as "molasses" in January, claiming a tiny car, into a magnificent beast, small but powerful. It will definetly be a good vehicle until the end. Lets just hope I do not get ripped off, by saying, "I want this 2011 Toyota Corolla!", lest they catch me, and rip me off, even in interest rate.
Thus, in the end, I chose the Toyota Corolla, after much debate with how reliable it is, and its design. I hope that this Toyota Corolla will last several years, until it breaks, and then will recycle the parts. Good for the environment, after all. I really hope that when my job is successful, maybe I would try a Jeep instead, that actually functions well.
2012 Jeep Patriot
Price Range From: $17,995 To: $26,495
Freight: $1,400
Summary of 2012 Jeep Patriot
I believe that this vehicle will suit me, since it will convey a sense of power, a sense of responsibility, and a sense that students must respect me, and so do the students. This Jeep Patriot also will provide enough room for me and my friends in the summer, when I go to Brightwater, due to the fact that the valley is beautiful. I really hope that this vehicle will be good, and willing for me to do its job. Its reliability however 3.5 out of 5 stars, so while this car may suit me and looks like perfect, it may not be really reliable for me. However, it looks really good, like a military vehicle. How else can it call itself a Jeep without some military-style "zazz?" It just appears to be a great vehicle, for some tinpot dictator. So, why can't I get one? Tell that to the ratings system, and how much this car is reliable...
2012 Jeep Wrangler
From: $22,595 To: $32,495
Freight: $1,400
Summary of 2012 Jeep Wrangler
This Jeep Wrangler is also suited really well to the needs of myself and look like I am even more of a commander with this theme. It can easily make me look like a commander, if I had the Canadian plates to prove it. But since I only have Saskatchewan plates, it still fits my needs however. 2 stars for overall performance and design and 3.5 stars, for reliability. The high price also burdens me, because it could plunge me into debt for a few years, just solely due to the price. That car may be good, but it is a little too much, at $32,495 for the Rubicon edition. Bleh. It looks really classical, a good military-esque vehicle and to impose the relation of a commander to soldiers, to salute to the people. The students would definitely bow down to me with that. I, will definitely buy this one, if it were not for the hefty price tag, on the high end. However, it still looks like a symbol of power, one to lead tanks in a military parade somewhere in Canada, and may make it look like a security vehicle in some foreign leader's motorcade. This vehicle is really good and useful, in the long term. Right now, it is TOO much. I cannot risk plunging deep into debt.
2011 Toyota Corolla
(okay, 2011, but many seem to be 2011 anyways, so will use that)
From: $15,450 To: $24,795
Freight: $1,340
Summary of 2011 Toyota Corolla
This 2011 Toyota Corolla is pretty much a good vehicle for me, since it seems to serve the purpose of a strong car, hidden in the covers of a weak, puny, city car. It may not look like it is for me, but it looks good, strong and easy to understand. This car, is mine, belonging to me. It has all the functions that no Jeep can have, and looks friendly, understanding equality of students and teachers. But, this car is really reliable, surprisingly, and the initial quality is really good. But, 3.5 stars is where functionality has occured, and placed. So, it may be useful but with not a lot of care, it will fall. But if maintained, it will last a long time. While my parents had owned a 1994 Toyota Corolla, this Corolla is really useful, and even releases the panther. It runs as smooth as "molasses" in January, claiming a tiny car, into a magnificent beast, small but powerful. It will definetly be a good vehicle until the end. Lets just hope I do not get ripped off, by saying, "I want this 2011 Toyota Corolla!", lest they catch me, and rip me off, even in interest rate.
Thus, in the end, I chose the Toyota Corolla, after much debate with how reliable it is, and its design. I hope that this Toyota Corolla will last several years, until it breaks, and then will recycle the parts. Good for the environment, after all. I really hope that when my job is successful, maybe I would try a Jeep instead, that actually functions well.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Coyote Constellation Thoughts
Since I am assuming that it goes here on this blog, I have posted it. xD
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Cooking with Fractions No. 2
This is Odin Swidzinski and this is my opinions of today's class of my first Cooking with Fractions assignment. Things that went well was that we managed to cook muffins, because it tasted good. Our problems is that most of our members forgot supplies, but nothing bad went wrong after we started. Despite some stress, it all went well. Visualizing is easier when you are working with small fractions, but processes, in the long term really work well. That is why I enjoyed this. What was easy was getting the ingredients, but the hard part is trying to understand the group and co-operating. Still in the end, the food tasted good, with us being in 2nd place by a taste test. Next time, I will learn and make the other recipe, which is Smartie cookies.
Odin S.
Pointy Haired Swedish Chef
Odin S.
Pointy Haired Swedish Chef
Friday, October 21, 2011
World War II Letter - Odin Swidzinski
Okay, this is my WWII letter, set pretty much at like 1 am after the storming of Juno Beach, of Ron, a fictional soldier sending a letter to his wife. Here is hoping this letter will work.
Dear Sierra, June 7th, 1944
I am glad that we Canadians have succeeded in the storming of Juno Beach. If you came to the beach right now, it will be really horrid. Blood is splattered all over the place, dead bodies also around, and we are at risk for more enemy fire, especially as we advance inland. Even from this spot under the cliffs, where just a day ago, shots were fired, I can see broken German and Canadian equipment. Just seeing the experience worries me, fearful I could die any moment now. I really miss you, along with my 5 year old daughter, Lily. Is Lily still learning how to sew a hat? It sure seems a while since I last talked to you “face-to-face.”
After all, those Nazi’s are steadfast, thinking they are superior, polite and better than us, while we are the foe. No, those Nazis are wrong, we are better than them, the Nazis are our foe. I am really sad to see my comrades deceased, the scenery which is ruined, and so on. I especially am worried of the injured, with the smell of blood still lingering on, even as we treat the wounded, and buried our dead. Oh, why did we need to go to another war? Tell Lily how much I miss her, and that I will be home when I get home. I feel a lot of sadness for you, how you are trying to keep things going in the farms of Alberta, where we live. Did you move to another city?
Tell me, Sierra, of everything that is going on wherever you and Lily are inside Canada. Did you move to the United States? Or are you still in Canada? I did not know, since I had no time to write my letters at all on this parchment. I am really glad that I got to fight, but I am also worried, fighting my enemies which were my ancestors, and my own ethnic group. Should I even bear to write this letter?
Just because I did not write in a while, does not meet I am dead. In fact, I am very well alive. But, I now need to end the writing of this letter. Again, tell Lily how much I miss her, and that our regiment should be back in several months. After all, it will take a while to get to Paris and from there, into the heart of Germany, but when I get back, I hope to hang my gun up, and never use it again.
In conclusion, I really hope you are keeping the crops going, taking care of Lily and working at a factory, in my place. Get some war bonds to help me, and remember, I hope to fight until the end, hopefully as a genuine war to end all wars. I will really miss you, because you are the wife of me, my own sweetheart. May God bless you and your dreams.
Please be aware all planning is done on pencil and paper. If I can scan it, I may get it up, but I don't know... Either way, as always, comment, comment, comment!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Presentations by Odin
First, I present my handy draft presentation before I joined a group.
Then, here is the group presentation, the one our group did together.
I encourage you to comment on this and hope that this will be common for the group. xD
Then, here is the group presentation, the one our group did together.
I encourage you to comment on this and hope that this will be common for the group. xD
Monday, October 17, 2011
Halloween 2011
As Halloween approaches, I am thankful for my couple months in Grade 8. Despite my hardships, I have emerged, with short-lived honor, then more hardship. I am glad for my service in the SLC, helping a student, et cetera. It is so good. Anyways, I really am tired of those who don't listen. Even as I type, people don't listen. Heh, one day in the past month, Yusuf was sent to a Grade 1 classroom, with no results. xP By the teacher, because the teacher was annoyed by his interruptions. I am glad to visit Blue Mountain, and will want to go again. I am looking forward to the events, and hope that a cheap (economical-wise) solution will occur.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
To the Western Cordillera Group:
Here is my link, for those part of it. xD
Here is my link, for those part of it. xD
Friday, September 30, 2011
Response Journal - Odin
For Angela – Response Journal
By Odin Callahan Swidzinski – September 28th, 2011
Edited by Odin Callahan Swidzinski
Edited by Odin Callahan Swidzinski
In my sad opinion, the two reasons why the people did not try and stop the racism are the following reasons. First, the people may have thought unless if a friend is being discriminated at, that they do not need to get involved because it is none of their business. Racism, however sadly affects not only the victims but in extreme cases, the entire ethnic group, especially if the government deliberately uses systematic racism to prevent a certain ethnic group from participating. If that was the case, the oppressors of the ethnic group will simply ignore them, giving the “silent treatment,” thus ensuring that they will be ignored. Secondly, the people may want to help those discriminated but fear breaking the law, or being harassed, and thus would be a bystander, standing on the side, watching them, and wanting to help but fearing a certain thing that makes them prevent themselves from doing so.
It shows within our own society, it symbolizes that if everyone is racist to a minority, they will eventually tolerate it, and ignore the discrimination, or if a couple people discriminate one person, to scare the person into not reporting, it can easily be ignored, expunged (like it never even happened). With that, it can possibly mean that in South Africa, for example, from 1948 to 1994, apartheid was supported by the Afrikaner (White South African) population, but not the African populace, and even recognized the Bantustans as sovereign, or Nazi Germany’s anti-Zionism, which meant until 1945, the Holocaust occurred, affecting the Jews, Poles, Romani, Slavs, and a plethora of various ethnic groups in German-occupied Europe, especially between 1939 and 1945, and many Germans tolerated it, some being extremely loyal to the Nazis, and reporting Jews. In that form, it is why that is racism is so common, you will eventually ignore it.
In conclusion, I thank you all for reading this response journal and I really hope that you can read it, mark it, comment on it, et cetera.
Yours truly,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Odin's Letter
Sorry for spamming, but here is a letter.
Dear, Mrs. Nelson
I have really enjoyed school so far. I really enjoyed learning your subjects. What I want is to end this stress and to stop rushing but I feel like I cannot. I really hope that in the next month, it will be really wonderful and nice to be great. A long term goal is to get myself into college, and a short term goal for me is to go into Grade 8. I thank you for reading.
Now, here it is.
Dear, Mrs. Nelson
I have really enjoyed school so far. I really enjoyed learning your subjects. What I want is to end this stress and to stop rushing but I feel like I cannot. I really hope that in the next month, it will be really wonderful and nice to be great. A long term goal is to get myself into college, and a short term goal for me is to go into Grade 8. I thank you for reading.
Now, here it is.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Book Trailer Odin
This is my book trailer, for my classroom.
EDIT: Short version. A premium account will be on my future. xP
EDIT: Short version. A premium account will be on my future. xP
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome to my new blog!
This is one of the two successor blogs created with the demise of my first one. Here, this is where I will post my stuff, and yes, this is permanent. xD
We gladly invite everyone to read it, especially the Russians. <3 So, if you want a link to my first blog, it is at, where you will see a new blog.
Happy reading!
We gladly invite everyone to read it, especially the Russians. <3 So, if you want a link to my first blog, it is at, where you will see a new blog.
Happy reading!
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